From East Sussex Highways:

East Sussex Highways is currently conducting a long-term tree survey on the rural highway network, i.e. all roads not within 30mph speed limits.

All trees within falling distance of the highway are being inspected. Any trees considered to be a potential hazard to any of the below within the next three years, are being reported:

  • Highway users
  • The Highway Authority
  • Third party assets

Reported trees may be dead, dying, diseased or otherwise potentially hazardous for structural reasons. The issues the survey is identifying range from relatively minor to serious.

Trees which require work are being marked with spray paint to aid identification. This work can vary from felling, to removal of dead wood, ivy, and overhanging branches.

The surveyor will attach a time period for any recommended works. This can range from, as soon as possible, to up to 3 years from the date of the survey.

Works to highway trees are organised by East Sussex Highways, for private trees we write to landowners and request they organise the work.

We always seek to retain trees wherever possible for landscape, amenity and biodiversity reasons, but have to be mindful of the safety of highway users, and risks to highway and third-party assets.

For information, urban highway trees within the boroughs of Eastbourne and Hastings are managed and inspected on a regular basis on East Sussex Highways’ behalf by arboricultural staff within those boroughs, whilst urban trees on the roadside in the remainder of the county have been surveyed separately over the last 3 years.

Corinne Black | Customer Service Manager

Customer Contact Centre | East Sussex Highways

Tel: 0345 60 80 193 | Website: